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₹320.00 ₹297.00
Quick Overview
The false black pepper is a large woody tropical forest scandent shrub. The seeds of this plant have the medicinal property so that it is used in ayurvedic medicine to treat various health problems.
13/36, Sasthiri Street, Vellalore, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu - 641111
♦ False Black Pepper is a climbing shrub with long, slender, flexible, and terete branches.
♦ The native of this plant in India, it is grown in semi-green and green forests in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and China.
♦ It is also available in the moist deciduous forests of the Western Ghats of South India.
♦ The leaves of this plant are elliptical shape and also it is a gland-dotted, and the length of these leaves is 6-16 mm.
♦ The flowers are small, numerous, pentamerous, in lax panicled racemes that are terminal.
♦ The calyx of the flower is 1.25 mm long.
♦ The flowers greenish-yellow shape.
♦ The fruits of these plants are black when ripened, its diameter is 3-4 mm.
♦ The fruits enclosed reddish and horny seeds, it is a slight pungency taste.
♦ This False Black Pepper is used for the worms in the stomach.
♦ It is a good remedy for blood motion and stick motions.
♦ It is also used to treat heart-related problems.
♦ It is used to treat backache during menses.
♦ It is used to treat vomiting, indigestion, bloating, gastritis, and constipation.
♦ It is used to treat skin diseases.
♦ It is used for fungal infections of the skin.
♦ It is also used to treat eyebrow pain.
♦ It is used for Elephantiasis.
♦ It is used for facial paralysis due to overheating- Vata rogam.
♦ There are no side effects in using this product. Take medical advice for its use during pregnancy.
♦ All our herbs are Organically Harvested , dried, and pulverized with no chemical interactions that will assure the ensuring 100% natural herbal powders and related products.
Weight | 0.100 kg |
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Quick Overview
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Quick Overview
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Quick Overview
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Quick Overview
The roots have a short fracture, an acrid and biting taste and disagreeable odour.A much-branched shrub with long and tuberous roots and a striate stem (Plate 48). The leaves are up to 8 cm long, simple, glabrous, alternate, ovate or oblong, with an entire or wavy margin
Quick Overview
The roots have a short fracture, an acrid and biting taste and disagreeable odour.A much-branched shrub with long and tuberous roots and a striate stem (Plate 48). The leaves are up to 8 cm long, simple, glabrous, alternate, ovate or oblong, with an entire or wavy margin
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